Monday, January 4, 2010

Manhattan Toy Automoblox C9 Yellow Mini Sports Car

Manhattan Toy Automoblox C9 Yellow Mini Sports Car Review

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

Great toy. My nephew loves everything about this Automoblox Mini. Super design, circles blacks are cool, you can take it apart. The problem is that children 6 years can ruin everything.

The weaknesses in the mini are the tires.

The rubber tires are damn cool, but are a bit 'thicker than the rubber bands. It does not take much rough play (the distance from the rim and above) is broken in front of a tire and wheel more shape.

I would recommend this? OnlyIf you want to spend money on big Automoblox, or if you have children less destructive. Otherwise, buy the big ones, IMO.

(My son did not destroy his mini S9 sedan, but Dad loves toys more than he does ... now so that has to do with it)

Manhattan Toy Automoblox C9 Yellow Mini Sports Car Feature

  • Made of German beech wood finished with 3 coats of non-toxic lacquer wheel rims, roof, connectors, and people figures made of polycarbonate
  • Comes complete with a stylish wooden body, kids add wheels, windows, and unique customizing details
  • Patented connector system

Manhattan Toy Automoblox C9 Yellow Mini Sports Car Overview

A reinvention of classic wooden toy car for the iPod age, Automoblox is a fusion of heirloom craftsmanship and ultra-modern styling transformed into a mix-and-match design system that allows kids to create their own unique car styles. Starting with a stylish wooden body, kids add wheels, windows, and unique customizing details. Automoblox. Ages: 3 to 10

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 04, 2010 11:26:18

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